Blue Ridge Area Food Bank Receives $10,000 Donation for Child Nutrition

Foto: Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank has been given a donation for $10,000 by Food Lion that will directly benefit the Food Bank’s vital Child Nutrition programs. 

The donation will help ensure that the most vulnerable in the area, the 1 in 12 children who are food insecure, have food available through the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank’s Child Nutrition programs. 

During their long relationship with the Food Bank, Food Lion has donated more than 16 million pounds of food, more than $465,000, and countless hours of volunteer time provided by Food Lion employees. 

“We are truly grateful to Food Lion for standing with us to make sure everyone has enough to eat,” said Michael McKee, CEO of the Food Bank.

“Together, we set a place at the table for everyone. You show up to volunteer, to give your time, to do the packing, to help with the kids’ programs. We really feel you at our side each and every day, supplying volunteers, money, and food when we need them. We know that we can count on our friends at Food Lion. You are true to your word that Food Lion Feeds,” concluded McKee. 

Founded in 1981 and headquartered in Verona, Virginia, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank is the largest organization alleviating hunger in western and central Virginia.

The Food Bank serves an average of 127,500 people per month across 25 counties and eight cities through distribution centers in Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Winchester, and Verona.

For more information about the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank's programs, please visit or their Facebook page!

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