
Va. Sports, Entertainment Venues Can Increase Capacities Starting May 15

(WSET) ā€” Capacity limits are being expanded again, now that more than half of all adults in the Commonwealth have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said Thursday that beginning Saturday, May 15, sports and entertainment venues across the state will be able to operate at a higher capacity.

While social distancing and mask guidelines will remain in place, the latest Executive Order from the governor will ease commercial restrictions as follows:

  • Social gatherings: The maximum number of individuals permitted in a social gathering will increase to 100 people for indoor settings and 250 people for outdoor settings. Social gatherings are currently limited to 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.
  • Entertainment venues: Indoor entertainment and public amusement venues will be able to operate at 50 percent capacity or 1,000 people, up from 30 percent capacity or 500 people. Outdoor venues will be able to operate at 50 percent capacityā€”up from 30 percentā€”with no specific cap on the number of attendees.
  • Recreational sporting events: The number of spectators allowed at indoor recreational sporting events will increase from 100 to 250 spectators or 50 percent capacity, whichever is less. Outdoor recreational sporting events will increase from 500 to 1,000 people or 50 percent capacity, whichever is less.
  • Alcohol sales: Restaurants may return to selling alcohol after midnight, and dining room closures will no longer be required between midnight and 5:00 a.m.

More on this story from our media partner, ABC 13 - WSET.

(photo credit: getty images)

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