
GFTW Collecting Sewing Machines for International Business Program

Gleaning For The World is collecting new and used (in good working condition) sewing machines to distribute internationally to help people create their own small sewing businesses.

From GFTW:

We're collecting new and used sewing machines (that are in working order), which we'll be sending to our international partners. These machines will be used to teach men and women how to sew, and how to create small businesses to support themselves financially through sewing.

Your sewing machine could be the reason someone escapes the cycle of poverty!

Our collection goes through January 31st. Drop off your new or used sewing machine at GFTW 7539 Stage Road Concord, VA 24538. We're open Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm each week. Please help us collect as many sewing machines as possible - in order to help as many people as possible!

For more information, visit the GFTW Facebook page!

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