
Virginia Businesses Have Moved into Phase 3 of the Business Reopening Plan

Virginia has moved into Phase 3 of the business reopening plan.

In Phase 3, Virginia will maintain a ā€œSafer at Homeā€ strategy with continued recommendations for social distancing and teleworking, and the requirement that individuals wear face coverings in indoor public settings.

All businesses should continue to follow physical distancing guidelines, frequently clean and sanitize high contact surfaces, and keep enhanced workplace safety measures in place.

Here are some of the guidelines for Phase 3:

  • Capacity limits on non-essential retail stores and restaurants and beverage businesses will be lifted. Social distancing and sanitizing measures will continue.
  • Gyms, fitness centers and pools may operate at 75% capacity, with social distancing and sanitizing measures.
  • Salons and personal grooming services may operate normally, with social distancing and sanitizing measures.
  • Recreation and entertainment venues, including museums and zoos, can operate at 50% capacity with a maximum of 1,000 people.
  • Gatherings of up to 250 people will be allowed.
  • Childcare centers are open.
  • State Parks, beaches, and private campgrounds are open.
  • Overnight summer camps remain closed.
  • Recreational sports are allowed with physical distancing requirements.
  • Teleworking is encouraged.
  • Everyone over the age of 10 must wear face coverings in all public indoor spaces.

Northern Virginia and the City of Richmond are expected to move into Phase 3 at the same time as the rest of Virginia.

More details on Phase 3 requirements for businesses can be found on the Governor's Website.

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