
Most of Virginia to Move into Phase 2 Business Reopenings on Friday

Governor Ralph Northam says most of Virginia will enter Phase 2 of business reopenings this Friday, June 5.

In Phase 2, restaurants will be allowed to use their indoor dining areas at 50% capacity. Gyms and fitness centers will be allowed to use indoor areas at 30% capacity. Pools can also open for exercise, with restrictions.

Other recreational businesses, plus places like museums and zoos, can also reopen with social distancing and sanitzing requirements.

Gatherings of up to 50 people will be allowed. Face coverings inside public places are still required.

Northern Virginia and the City of Richmond will stay in Phase 1 for now. Accomack County on the Eastern Shore remains at Phase Zero because of continued coronavirus outbreaks at meat processing plants.

Northam says Virginia's hospitals continue to have adequate PPE supplies and bed space, and that the percentage of positive coronavirus tests for the state continues on a downward trend.

More on this story from our media partner, ABC 13 - WSET.

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