
Lynchburg City Schools to Provide Meals for Students During Closure

Lynchburg City Schools have provided an update for parents. Read the complete update here: LCS UPDATE.

Bagged meals will be available for all LCS students beginning at 11:00 am on Monday, March 16. The meals will be delivered to students at school bus stops between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. Meals will also be available to be picked up at Heritage High School, E.C. Glass High School, Dunbar Middle School and Linkhorne Middle School between 11:00 am and 12:00 noon.

In addition, parents are requested to pick up their child's medication from school nurses on Monday, March 16, and to come pick up any essential items (such as eyeglasses) that a child may have left at school.

Teachers, administrators and other school staff are working on plans to continue instruction during the closure and more details will be coming this week.

Be sure to look for updates on the LCS Website.

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