
City of Roanoke Plans for Coronavirus

Update from the City of Roanoke, Friday, March 13, 6:00 pm:

Roanoke Public Libraries will be closed effective Monday, March 16, 2020 as a result of Roanoke City Public Schools closing. All library book drops will remain available for return of library materials.

PLAY Roanoke after school programs at Eureka, Grandin Court and Preston are cancelled for a minimum of two weeks while Roanoke City Public Schools are closed. The Discovery Center is also closed during this time.

Stay up to date by visiting www.roanokeva.gov/coronavirus

Earlier --

The City of Roanoke has canceled all non-essential city sponsored events for the next 30 days, including Parks and Rec events and rentals, public library events, and city department tours and visitors.

Roanoke has also set up a webpage for citizens to find up-to-date Coronavirus information: City of Roanoke Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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