Deep Hollow Half Marathon & 5k is a part of the 2017 Virginia Common Wealth Games at Liberty University, and it is the first trail race in the Fall 2018 Liberty Mountain Trail Series. The Half Marathon is comprised of primarily single track trail intermixed with some forest roads. The 5K course is an out and back course on forest road.
LOCATION | Hydaway Outdoor Recreation Center. DISTANCE | Half Marathon 13.1miles / 5K 3.1miles.
PACKET PICKUP | Oct 13-LaHaye Student Center-12:00PM-6:00PM / Oct 14-Hydaway-7:00AM-7:45AM –
AWARDS | Awards will be given to the top 3 male & female overall winners, top 3 male & female in each age group, & top male & female masters overall winners. Door prizes will also be given out at the awards ceremony following the race..
Additional Info: Deep Hollow