First Fridays Roanoke - Brightside

First Fridays Roanoke

Photo: First Fridays Roanoke

First Fridays Roanoke - Brightside

Franklin Road between Jefferson St and Williamson Rd
Downtown Roanoke

Friday, May 17 from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm

Admission: $5 at the gate

Must be 21+ with valid I.D.

Proceeds benefit Roanoke area charities.

The 90's party of the summer is coming to Downtown Roanoke with Brightside!

Please park at the Williamson Parking Deck (free after 5:00pm) or anywhere in Downtown Roanoke that is convenient.

Bring your own chair.

Food and beverages for sale on site.

Tonight's non-profits include Botetourt Education Foundation, Family Promise of the Roanoke Valley, and the SPCA.

For more information, please visit the event's Facebook page!

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