Amazement Square Turns 20!

Amazement Square 20th Birthday Celebration

Saturday, March 20, 2021

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

27 9th St, Lynchburg

Admission: $8 per person

Join us Saturday, March 20th and help us ROAR, “Happy Birthday!” from all four floors of the museum, while exploring and enjoying themed programmatic activities throughout the day!

Birthday Programmatic Activities:

  • Amazement Square Birthday card - discover what kind of animal tracks different animals make and stamp a birthday card to Amazement Square that we can display!
  • Build-a-Beast - add all sorts arms, legs, ears, and tails to a silly beast all your own!
  • Animal masks and pictures - decorate your own animal mask or hat and take a picture in of yourself in the wild!

Get all the details at!

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